Direct Marketing Educational Foundation (DMEF) Events DMEF Direct/Interactive Marketing Research Summit Interested in the latest research in the direct/interactive marketing arena? DMEF invites you to join this conference, which meets the needs of academics and offers leading-edge research to practitioners. Don’t miss quality, applicable direct/interactive marketing research that’s coming out of leading academic institutions worldwide. THE RESEARCH SUMMIT brings renowned research to the forefront in key areas such as social media, consumer behavior, and database marketing. Keep abreast of the innovations being advanced daily in the field! Networking opportunities among academics and practitioners abound. Anyone working with data, conducting market research, serving as an adjunct or full-time professor, or studying as an MBA or Ph.D. candidate will receive invaluable information at this conference, which takes place the weekend preceding DMA2010’s grand opening. Research presentations will offer insights on topics such as analytics as well as text mining analysis and metrics, social, mobile, search engine, and database marketing, to name a few. Pedagogical talks will showcase educational resources for classroom use, and provide the opportunity to meet with representatives of companies who are willing to share their business cases with the academic world. There are numerous opportunities for practitioners to exchange ideas and learn from their colleagues and participating academics. This conference focuses on marketing research and marketing education and provides presentation platforms for both. THE KEYNOTE: Bryan Eisenberg, Managing Partner, Eisenberg & Associates. Tough times call for tough measures. While media costs rise, marketing budgets shrink; yet, demands for accountability increase. Many businesses are starting to believe that flat revenues are the new up. Now more than ever before, organizations must Trim the Fat and optimize their marketing efforts so that every marketing dollar invested yields the maximum return on investment. Bryan Eisenberg is the co-author of the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, USA Today and New York Times bestselling books Call to Action, Waiting For Your Cat to Bark? and Always Be Testing. He is the recognized authority and pioneer in online marketing, improving online conversion rates, Persuasion Architecture, and persona marketing. Bryan was recently recognized by eConsultancy members as one of the top 10 User Experience Gurus and and he was selected as one of the inaugural iMedia Top 25 Marketers. DMEF ANNUAL AWARDS DINNER & PROGRAM / SCHOLARSHIP AUCTION
For more information about these awards and so much more, visit www.directworks.org. To register: Please contact Terri L. Bartlett, 212.790.1510 or email tlbartlett@the-dma.org. To register: Please contact Jeanne K. Murphy 212.768.7277, ext. 1371 or jkmurphy@directworks.org MEET DMEF AT DMA2010 DMEF wants to meet you. For the first time, we will have a meeting space in the Exhibit Hall. Interested in learning more about DMEF? Please contact Kasia Prouty at kprouty@directworks.org Student Career Forum For more information, go to www.directworks.org.