DMA Resource Center and Bookstore Take your marketing efforts from good to great! Visit the DMA Resource Center and Bookstore located in Booth #1126 and see what we do for our Members and what we can do for you! Through Advocacy, Reputation Management, Education, Research, and Networking, DMA is your one-stop solution to grow your business and build your brand. DMA Bookstore — Your Source for Direct Marketing Research and Statistics Special On-site Discount – 10% Off Member Prices for DMA's Best Sellers:
MyDMA2010 In a sea of booths and business people, how can you map your most productive path on the show floor?
1:1 WEBSITE USABILITY LABS Monday, October 11 WEBSITE BUSINESS PRACTICES Join Thanh Nguyen, Senior Usability Engineer at BusinessOnline, as she delivers two information-packed sessions on website best practices and user experience. Monday, October 11 Search Engine Marketing Experience
11:30 AM - 12:15 PM 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM If you're an in-house marketer who’s frustrated with your current SEO campaign (or are new to SEO and need some basic tips), register here to have your website looked at during these exciting sessions on Tuesday. Thought leaders are on hand to teach you everything you need to succeed with your SEO campaign - from SEO 101 to advanced technical and conversion tips. Register your website now! Go one-on-one with marketing gurus in the Exhibit Hall and ask them that one question you’ve been trying to get answered since before Facebook became a household name! This is your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to talk to big stage thinkers, in small groups, and get their off-the-record insights into your problems! The DMA Strategic Summit will provide you with a roadmap that achieves success, affording you the opportunity to review and redefine your organization’s marketing plan while determining how this plan fits into the overall strategic plan for your organization. DMA Education - Seminars and Certifications Check out the new face of DMA Education. We now offer full certification courses both online and in-person. And best of all, you'll be able to register on-site at DMA2010 right at the DMA Resource Center. With everything from our fundamental DMA Certified Marketing Professional Progam to individual certifications in subjects like Social Media, Mobile Marketing, Search Marketing, and more - DMA Education has what you need for in-depth education in all facets of marketing.
Fast & Furious Creative Workshop Multichannel Workshop Five Relationship Marketing Best Practices Email Marketing Workshop And Certification Program Optimizing Your Website For Conversion And Business Success
Retention & Loyalty
Mail Moves America DMA is a part of the Mail Moves America Coalition, a group of trade associations, companies, and postal unions formed to provide one voice against Do Not Mail legislation. The MMA Coalition is committed to a longterm effort to address Do Not Mail legislation and keep the mail channel open. Visit us to learn more about our work and dangers to your business state-by-state. To learn more, visit the DMA Resource Center at Booth #1126 or go to: http://www.mailmovesamerica.org/ Bags - Remote Airline Check-in Service That’s right! You can now check-in at the San Diego Convention Center and bypass the airport lines! This unique service allows you to check your bags and receive your boarding pass at the convention center, leaving you more time to visit the convention floor or take in more of what downtown San Diego has to offer. Check here for all the details and participating airlines.