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Optimizing Your Website For Conversion And Business Success

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Saturday, October 9
Part I, 10:00am-12:30pm
Part II, 2:00pm-4:30pm

Sunday, October 10
Part III, 9:00am-11:15am
Part IV, 1:00-2:25pm

The best brand experience your Web visitors can have is to satisfy their need for information, validation or entertainment. How can you optimize your Web site to create such a place? When your Web site becomes a helpful service all of your marketing efforts become more cost effective. Come ready to plan a Web site that converts traffic to leads and sales.


  Brian Massey, Conversion Scientist, Conversion Sciences

Part I: Your Visitors: Killing Brad Pitt

When we consider a major change to our Web presence, we usually start with the visitors. However, we tend to take our favorite stories, our most interesting demographics, and our most desirable customers and roll them into a single vision: a vision of a person that doesn’t exist. Profiling allows us to target the real people visiting our sites and builds consensus on who is important to the business.

Learning Points:

  1. Understand how persona profiles are different from segments
  2. Learn how to create specific personas that provide wide appeal
  3. Identify the strategies that will engage and convert each profile

Develop your first profile.

Part II: Your Skills: Implementing Conversion Strategies

If you’re spending a great deal of time optimizing your home page and landing pages, you may be missing a large number of conversions. Search engines make every page a potential landing page. Each has to engage the visitor and take them on a journey through helpful content to ultimately take action.

Learning Points:

  1. The Layers of website optimization
  2. Identifying the pages you should optimize first
  3. Creating content scenarios
  4. Nurturing the considered purchase

Design a content scenario for your website

Part III: Your Advantage: The Competitor Who Knows Grows
In 1945, Paul Brown took over as the coach of Cleveland Browns where he built a library of game films that helped them win back-to-back NFL titles. Your ability to define hypotheses, rollout tests, and understand the results can still give you a similar advantage in your marketplace. We’ll discuss the culture, techniques, and tools of a test-driven marketing team.

Learning Points:

  1. Analytics: How to measure your success.
  2. Do you have a testing culture? If not, what needs to change?
  3. Assess the different types of testing.
  4. Learn how to get the fastest results from testing now.

Plan your first A/B split test.

Part IV: Your Influence: Measuring And Optimizing Social Conversion

Your customers now have the tools to broadcast their opinion of your product, company, and brand. No, you can’t take these tools away. But, these same tools make it possible for you to listen in on what is being said, and even encourage customers to talk about their experience. This is Earned Media, and it will be an important part of your marketing strategy.

Learning Points:

  1. Which is more valuable: paid media or “earned media?”
  2. The post-purchase funnel: what is a social conversion?
  3. What can you measure to determine your social conversion success?
  4. Where are your touch points, the social equivalents of landing pages?

Define your social touch points: those you have and those you need.