Go Social and Mobile with DMA2010 Go Social and Mobile with DMA2010 The DMA2010 Mobile App is here! Click here to download your FREE DMA2010 Mobile App to get real-time updates on the latest trends as well as complete access to session schedules, Exhibit Hall information, even details on local restaurants for your dining pleasure. iPhone users: Download your FREE app here. DMA2010 Magazine and Insider’s Guide Download your copy of the DMA2010 magazine to find out what’s new at DMA2010, top 10 session takeaway tips, 20+ things to do in San Francisco, and more.
In a sea of booths and business people, how can you map your most productive path on the show floor?
The DMA2010 Kick-Off Party is back and at one of San Francisco’s most popular venues! This is a great opportunity to start your DMA2010 week meeting new people and reconnecting with old friends – all while having good ‘ole San Francisco fun. The party gets started at 7pm at Ruby Skye, a premier nightclub located in the heart of San Francisco. Recently rated as one of the top 5 nightclubs by Dancestar, Ruby Skye is a world-class facility featuring the finest DJ’s and performers. This exquisite facility is Turn of the Century elegance with modern-day charm that provides the ideal environment for networking, class, and of course – fun! Start off your DMA2010 with a bang and join us at this top notch event. NOTE: You must have your DMA2010 badge to access the Kick-Off Party and International Reception on Saturday night, October 9th. You can pick up your badge at Moscone Convention Center at DMA Registration.
1:1 WEBSITE USABILITY LABS Monday, October 11 WEBSITE BUSINESS PRACTICES Join Thanh Nguyen, Senior Usability Engineer at BusinessOnline, as she delivers two information-packed sessions on website best practices and user experience. Monday, October 11 Search Engine Marketing Experience
11:30 AM - 12:15 PM 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM If you're an in-house marketer who’s frustrated with your current SEO campaign (or are new to SEO and need some basic tips), register here to have your website looked at during these exciting sessions on Tuesday. Thought leaders are on hand to teach you everything you need to succeed with your SEO campaign - from SEO 101 to advanced technical and conversion tips. Register your website now! Go one-on-one with marketing gurus in the Exhibit Hall and ask them that one question you’ve been trying to get answered since before Facebook became a household name! This is your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to talk to big stage thinkers, in small groups, and get their off-the-record insights into your problems! The DMA Strategic Summit will provide you with a roadmap that achieves success, affording you the opportunity to review and redefine your organization’s marketing plan while determining how this plan fits into the overall strategic plan for your organization. DMA Education - Seminars and Certifications Check out the new face of DMA Education. We now offer full certification courses both online and in-person. And best of all, you'll be able to register on-site at DMA2010 right at the DMA Resource Center. With everything from our fundamental DMA Certified Marketing Professional Progam to individual certifications in subjects like Social Media, Mobile Marketing, Search Marketing, and more - DMA Education has what you need for in-depth education in all facets of marketing.
Fast & Furious Creative Workshop Multichannel Workshop Five Relationship Marketing Best Practices Email Marketing Workshop And Certification Program Optimizing Your Website For Conversion And Business Success
Retention & Loyalty
Come visit the DMA Resource Center at Booth #1126 to meet and greet with DMA staff, ask your questions, and find out the latest on DMA happenings and in the direct marketing world. DMA Bookstore — Your Source for Direct Marketing Research and Statistics Check out the DMA Bookstore at the DMA Resource Center and get the vital data and research that direct marketers around the globe rely upon to help guide their organizations’ success. Special On-site Discount – 10% Off Member Prices for DMA's Best Sellers:
Ernan Roman Book Signing – Tuesday, October 12 | 1:00 P.M. – 3:00 P.M. Ask the Advocacy Expert Roundtable - Exhibit Hall, Booth 1126 Visit the DMA Resource Center between 12:00 P.M. and 4:00 P.M. to learn the latest goings-on in Washington from four of the DMA's Government Affairs experts. Transportation Schedules
Hotel Routes NOTE: Attendees must show badges in order to board
International Echo Awards Gala - Tuesday, October 12 Service will be provided from all official hotels to the Moscone Convention Center from 5:30 PM—7:00 PM, every 15-20 minutes. Return service will be provided from Moscone to all official hotels from 9:45 PM -11:00 PM, every 15-20 minutes. PLEASE NOTE: Hotels in walking distance will not be provided shuttle service for the ECHO Gala. Handicapped Accessible Service & Hotel Shuttle For hotel shuttle information or special needs transportation, please call toll free 1.877.589.2671. Accessible equipment is available during scheduled shuttle hours. Please request service at least 30 minutes in advance of desired pick up time. MOSCONE ATTENDEE & EXHIBITOR REGISTRATION HOURS