Managing Your Brand in a Transformed Social Environment
Saturday - Sunday October 9 - 10
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Have your say in the discussion by filling in the “Question” box below. The Strategic Summit is interactive and we need your help to focus the sessions to make them as relevant as we can to YOU. Send us your questions and who you would like to address them using the box below and the best ones will be covered by the speakers at the Summit.
A seismic shift has taken hold within marketing, one that focuses more on database-driven, behaviorally targeted and analytically based digital campaigns that produce results that are more accountable, measurable and quantifiable. Global organizations today recognize that marketing has become a critical element of strategic planning. From driving strategic analysis and developing business strategies to leading growth initiatives and resolving dysfunctions of product and geographic silos, marketing plays a pivotal role in the evolution of a successful strategic plan.
This year during DMA 2010, we are launching the DMA Strategic Summit, designed for senior marketing executives seeking reformulation strategies within this transformed landscape.
The DMA Strategic Summit will provide you with a roadmap that achieves success, affording you the opportunity to review and redefine your organization’s marketing plan while determining how this plan fits into the overall strategic plan for your organization.
Join your Director’s and VPs of Marketing for the inaugural series of in-depth and hands-on sessions. Discover new ways to look at your marketing plan, refresh your organization, and protect and grow your brand. Cutting-edge strategists will help you to manage your brand’s reputation, optimize your media mix (including social), structure your organization, and get right up to date with the latest privacy issues.
NOTE: To register for the Strategic Summit, please select a registration package that includes Pre-Conference.
10:00 AM Opening Remarks by Summit Chair (The Road Ahead) Brian J. Sheehan Associate Professor S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communication Syracuse University
10:10 AM - 12:30 PM A. Reputation Management
Part I. 10:10 AM - 11:25 AM Strategic Online Reputation Management (ORM) Elements of Marketing Planning 1. Identifying your risks: Through a simple Web search, what can the public—potential clients, partners, investors, etc.—find out about you? Or, of equal importance, not find out about you? We will identify specific problems executives may be encountering with their online reputation. The session will also explore other factors that can put your reputation at risk, including employees’ behavior online.
2. Incorporating ORM into your marketing strategy: After your ORM risks are identified, the next step is to integrate these strategies into:
Ongoing monitoring of your online reputation and search results
How to pre-empt a product launch or marketing campaign with pro-active ORM/PR, controlling competitors, and minimizing attacks.
Google Insurance: Using technology to safeguard your personal brand, corporate brand, and the reputations of key executives.
Solutions to clean up legacy problems online and manage current BR or branding crises
Best Practice Leader: Owen Tripp COO & Founder Reputation Defender
Part II. 11:25 AM - 12:30 PM Case Study Can Social Media Help Rebuild Trust? Why do so few major brands talk about what they are doing in social media? Learn the operational challenges, hard lessons, and surprising outcomes of one major brand's experiences in social media. This isn’t for the faint of heart but for those want a real look at life in the trenches.
Best Practice Leader: Jaime Punishill Global Head of Wealth Online Solutions Wealth Management Thomson Reuters
2:00 PM - 4:30 PM B. Privacy
Part I. 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Panel Discussion Today’s Privacy Issues – What are the Implications for Marketers and Consumers -A Closer look from the Front Lines As the global impact of digital advertising on consumer privacy comes under closer view from governments at all levels, responsible marketers are looking forward and stemming the rising tide of regulation by bringing forward relevant, responsible initiatives on self-regulation that preserves an open and competitive marketplace that serves the consumer.
The following panel will outline issues such as online behavioral advertising, social media, mobile and the internet and the current state of privacy and upcoming self-regulatory initiatives to ensure a balance between optimal interactive marketing and consumer privacy protections.
Best Practice Leaders: Michelle Bruno Senior Program Manager, Privacy, Accessibility, Geopolitical & Online Safety Interactive Entertainment Business Microsoft Corporation
Stu Ingis Partner Venable LLP
Jim Brock Founder, Chairman & Co-Founder, Attributor Former SVP, Yahoo
Chris Hoofnagle Director Univ. of California-Berkley (Center for Law & Technology Information Privacy Program)
Fran Maier President & Executive Chair TRUSTe
Charles D. Curran Executive Director & General Counsel Network Advertising Initiative
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM C. Panel Discussion Structuring your Organization for Social Media One of the toughest challenges in today’s marketing organizations is building a strong foundation to manage the deluge of new marketing channels, mediums and platforms at our disposal; many are in the social media space. Recruiting, training and retaining talented personnel, in this burgeoning social media space will also be a critical factor in the success of your social media/marketing strategy. Our panel of social gurus have overcome many of the challenges faced by today’s marketers and have successfully implemented best practices that identify, “what is takes to build a successful social media/marketing operation”
Best Practice Leaders: Tariq H. Hassan Vice President WW Marketing & Communications Hewlett-Packard Co.
George Gallate Global Chairman Euro RSCG 4D
Hilary Weber Formerly, Director of Internet Marketing Services Kaiser Permanente
Colin Nagy Executive Director Earned/Social Media The Barbarian Group
9:00 AM - 11:15 AM D. Infrastructure (Tools-Technologies)
Part I. 9:00 AM -10:00 AM Case Study-Segmentation and Personalization Spotlight Leveraging Digitally-Enabled Personalization to Increase Relevance and Results Digital marketing and social media are quickly replacing traditional advertising as the dominant marketing channel. Consumers now determine When, Where and How to interact with a brand and these interactions are increasingly via the digitally-enabled channels. This shift requires major changes in the way direct marketers segment their audience and personalized their marketing.
This talk will highlight examples that leverage complex data mining, "personality-based" segmentation and rules-based content management systems (CMS) to create highly relevant and deeply personalized consumer experiences. Examples of P:URL's or individually Personalized URLs will show how leading brands like Botox and leading institutions like Cincinnati Children's Hospital are delivering on the promise of personalized, digitally-enabled 1-to-1 consumer experiences. Best practices from the automotive and retail sectors will also be discussed.
Best Practice Leaders: Kurt Holstein Chief Operating Officer Rosetta Marketing Group LLC
Kevin Riley VP of Innovation & Consumer Health Solutions BlueCross BlueShield of Florida
Part II. 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM Spotlight-Case Studies/Panel Discussion Platforms-Technologies: Strategies and Solutions to Achieve Optimal Business Goals
Best Practice Leaders: John McCawley President, Chief Executive Officer Verecloud
Ekaterina Walter Social Media Strategist Intel
Susan L. Kelly Vice President of Enterprise Marketing Services Xerox Global Services
Eric Ly Founder & CEO Presdo Inc.
11:30 AM – 12:45 PM Luncheon Keynote - A Fireside Chat The Pepsi Refresh: Brand Engagement through Social Media
Moderator: Carol Krol Editor-in-Chief DM NEWS Haymarket Media Inc.
B. Bonin Bough Global Director of Digital and Social Media PepsiCo.
1:00 PM - 2:15 PM E. What are the Implications on the Overall DM/Marketing Strategy
Part I. 1:00 PM - 1:45 PM
Today’s Media Mix Optimization Now that we’ve reviewed all elements of the social marketing mix, the big challenge for today’s marketer is how do we optimize these new channels and mediums at our disposal?
On the list of top concerns that keep Senior Marketers up at night are the following questions:
How much money should I spend on social media, mobile marketing and other emerging channels?
How can I combine the best leveraged emerging and traditional channels to gain the most out of my media spend?
How can I find and grow my most profitable customers?
Learn the secrets from JP Bewley and John Carcutt of how smart CMO’s are effectively addressing these critical issues through the use of cutting edge Media Mix Optimization solutions.
Best Practice Leaders: JP Bewley VP-Multichannel Business Consulting Acxiom Corporation
John Carcutt SEO Manager MediaWhiz
Part II. 1:45 PM -2:15 PM
Effectively Integrating Social into your CRM Strategy Effective use of social is no longer limited to managing your reputation online. It has fast become a very effective and integral part of a company or brand’s multi-channel CRM Strategy. We’ll share with you an approach that is enabling Fortune 500 companies like Nestlé and Chrysler to better identify, segment, and convert current and potential customers using social media.
Best Practice Leaders: Keith Sedlak Chief Marketing Officer Meredith Integrated Marketing
Pete Snyder CEO New Media Strategies
2:15 PM - 2:25 PM Closing Remarks by Summit Chair Brian J. Sheehan Associate Professor S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communication Syracuse University