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Ask-the-Experts Roundtables

12:30 P.M. – 1:30 P.M.

Come and sit in on one or several of 30+ roundtables in the exhibit hall and gain valuable insights and perspectives from direct marketing experts.

Below is a list of the Ask-the-Experts sessions:

  1. Strategies to Generate Thousands of New Customers Using Insert Media
    Russell Kern, Founder & President, The Kern Organization

  2. Bringing the Different Mobile Users to Life: A Mobile Marketing Segmentation to Build Better Relationships
    Doug Rozen, Global Senior Vice President, Creative, Interactive, Media and Mobile, Carlson Marketing

  3. Come Together, Right Now, Over SEM: How to Unite PPC and SEO Campaigns
    Andrew Beckman, CEO, Location3 Media

  4. Driving Customer Engagement with Social Media Data
    Michael Hsu, Head of Marketing, Rapleaf

  5. Measuring Multichannel Dependencies When Everyone is Researching Online
    Chris Peterson, President & Managing Partner, R2C Group

  6. How Consumer’s “Netspectations” Must Change Our Marketing Models
    Susan Goodman, CEO, Goodman&Company

  7. Tracking Brand Sentiment for Social Media: Impact and Defense
    Rajiv Parikh, CEO, Position²

  8. Layering Social Media into the Direct Marketing Mix
    David Greenbaum, Director of Digital Strategy, Euro RSCG Chicago

  9. Digital Marketing That Learns and Optimizes: Multi-variable Ads and Landing Pages Case Study
    Jason Russo, Vice President, Account Services, One to One Interactive

  10. Census 2010: What It Means for America’s Marketers
    David Miller, Senior Vice President of Measurement Sciences, Nielsen Claritas, The Nielsen Company

  11. Improving your Marketing ROI - The three steps to guaranteed improvement
    David Selwood, Senior Vice President, Analytics, Javelin Marketing Group

  12. Credit Crunch! How to Acquire and Grow Customers in the New Era of Tight Credit
    Peter Blau, Founder and Co-Managing Director, Customer Growth

  13. Incorporating Personalization Into a Service Environment
    Kristin Guthrie, Director, Sales & Marketing – Customer Service, Cessna Aircraft Company

  14. Divide and Conquer: Using 1:1 Email Techniques to Increase Loyalty
    Carolyn Goodman, President/Creative Director, Goodman Marketing Partners

  15. The First Screen Revolution: Executing a Mobile CRM Strategy
    Howard Hunt, Vice President, New BusinessThe Hyperfactory

  16. What the Census Means to Marketing: Now and for the Next 10 Years
    Peg North, Business Development Manager, Ethnic Technologies

  17. The Social Media Reckoning: Strategies for Driving Tangible Results
    Tracey Kirby, Sr Director, Product Management, Equifax, Inc.

  18. How to Use Valuable Promotional History to Drive 38% Improvement in Response from the 50+ Market
    Trish Mathe, Director of Database Marketing, Life Line Screening

  19. The Tweet Sound of Success: Leveraging Social Networks for Recruiting
    Jerry Bernhart, Principal, Bernhart Associates Executive Search LLC

  20. Monetizing the Value of Your Marketing Investment: A Practical Approach
    Zachary Rodman, Associate Director, RTC Relationship Marketing

  21. Socially Enabling Your Organization: Amplifying the Value of Current Products, Programs and Services Through Social Media
    Suzanne Carawan, VP, Marketing & Strategy,

  22. Lead Generation: Why Email Quality Matters!
    Austin Bliss, President, FreshAddress, Inc.

  23. A Marketers Guide to Email Deliverability: What Are the Key Challenges in Email Delivery and What Can You Do to Improve Your Success?
    Dennis Dayman, Chief Privacy Officer, Eloqua

  24. New Innovations in Subscription Marketing
    Ray Butkus, Chief Executive Officer, ARGI

  25. Direct Mail: What Makes Your Piece Trash or Treasure
    Eric Garcia, Vice President of New Business Development, Think Ink Marketing

  26. The Next Dimension in Consumer Experience: Direct Live Communications
    Harvey Kraft, Customer Engagement Architect, iCEsol (Interactive Customer Engagement Solutions)

  27. Effective Lead Nurturing: the Key to Doubling Conversion Rates
    Rod Lehman, Senior Director of America's Marketing, HP Software

  28. Explaining Language Preference Among Foreign-Born Latinos: Toward a Conceptual Theory
    Jake Beniflah, Regional Account Director, Alma DDB

  29. Cross Media Campaigns: Blending Print and Interactive Programs
    Darrin Wilen, President, Wilen Media

  30. DiscMail Direct: Digital Advertising Delivered to the Mailbox
    Guy Finley, Director, DiscMail Direct Coalition

  31. Data-Driven Strategies That Increase Multi-Channel Profits
    Dan Parzych, SVP Data Solutions and Services, Alliant

  32. In Today’s DVR Environment, What Gets a Commercial Noticed?
    Greg DePalma, Vice President, Audience Measurement, TiVo

  33. Postal Logistics and Commingling
    Stephen Rhodes, Account Executive, Japs-Olson Company

  34. Harnessing Non-Traditional Online Marketing Tools to Generate Brand Awareness and Leads
    Josh Glantz, VP and General Manager, Publishers Clearing House Online

  35. Marketing to Customers in the Age of the Real-Time Web
    Will Price, CEO, Widgetbox

  36. Email and Online Marketing Optimization in 2011 & Beyond

  37. It’s about involving youth directly: how to continuously adapt to the changing needs of the elusive ‘youth demographic’.
    Brian Wong, Founder & CEO, Kiip