B2B Intensives
DMA2010 offers you more dedicated B2B modules than any other show, and this year’s conference includes an intensive program specifically for the B2B marketer. For the dedicated B2B marketer, there are additional fascinating B2B sessions spread throughout the rest of the show that have been helpfully highlighted for you with icons. The DMA Annual Conference remains THE place to go to learn more about B2B marketing! Monday, October 11 Essentials of B2B Direct Marketing – Session 1 New to the industry, or just learning how to develop a direct marketing program for a B2B company? This session will outline the fundamentals of direct marketing in a B2B environment that you’ll need to master to ensure the success of your marketing initiatives. This fast-paced session will present numerous case studies which will highlight the importance of mastering these essential B2B marketing techniques. Topics covered will include:
Speakers Monday, October 11 Essentials of B2B Direct Marketing – Session 2 In this session, we’ll present advanced B2B direct marketing techniques which can be used to improve the ROI on your company’s marketing investment. There will be ample time for questions and for session participants to discuss some of their companies’ marketing breakthroughs with the entire group. Topics covered will include:
Speakers: Tuesday, October 12 Using a Metrics-Based Process for Generating Sales-Worthy Leads Senior management wants more leads turned into sales revenue, and the sales force demands them to be "sales-ready." Learn how a metrics-based approach can optimize your contact strategy at every stage of the lead-conditioning process. This means less waste, and more sales faster, while reactivating “suspect” leads. This presentation includes a case history on how Anritsu Company used this approach to help the sales organization beat its sales-ready lead goal by 300%! Topics covered will include:
PLUS an in-depth lead conversion success story from Anritsu Company, based on their Echo award-winning “Door Opener” campaign Speakers: